Clear Lake State Park Interpretive Association's
Wildflower Brunch Photography Contest
Has been Cancelled for 2020
The purpose of the Wildflower Brunch Photography contest is to enhance the park visitor’s experience of nature through photography. The contest is for all ages, and all photographic submissions must be digital with a file size no larger than 8 megabytes (see “How to Enter”). You must be an amateur photographer and may use any type of digital camera or scanner. Photographs must have been taken between January 1, 2019 and April 17, 2020. Your work will be posted to our website for viewing and will be displayed at our annual Wildflower Brunch on April 25th at the State Park. All entries need to be submitted by April 17th to this email address: [email protected]. Fifty dollars will be awarded to the best photograph in each division with one hundred dollars going to the best overall photograph.
Below are last year's winners ....
Below are last year's winners ....
Three Divisions:
All photos
1. Must have been taken at Clear Lake State Park between January 1, 2017 and April 19, 2019.
2. Digital image must be submitted along with what camera you used.
3. A caption and title must accompany the digital image stating when and where the photograph was taken in the park.
4. All submissions must be the work of the person entering the contest.
5. All entries are to be electronically emailed to [email protected] with name, address, phone number, caption, title, and the acknowledgement allowing the photo to be judged and displayed.
6. You may enter only one photograph in each category listed below.
Three Divisions:
- Adult 19 years of age and up
- Senior 14-18 years of age
- Junior age 13 and under
All photos
1. Must have been taken at Clear Lake State Park between January 1, 2017 and April 19, 2019.
2. Digital image must be submitted along with what camera you used.
3. A caption and title must accompany the digital image stating when and where the photograph was taken in the park.
4. All submissions must be the work of the person entering the contest.
5. All entries are to be electronically emailed to [email protected] with name, address, phone number, caption, title, and the acknowledgement allowing the photo to be judged and displayed.
6. You may enter only one photograph in each category listed below.
- Flora
- Fauna
- Nature
How to Enter
ENTRY Form (To be copied and Pasted into your email):
Name (as you want it to appear on display) __________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
Age ______________ Phone_________________Email________________________________
Division _____________________ Category______________________________
Photo 1
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Photo 2
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Photo 3
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Entry Certification (Scan or Photograph)
Photographer’s Signature Date Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date
- Select photographs you wish to enter.
- Title the photograph then add a caption that highlights where and when the photograph was taken.
- Optimize the photograph so that it is no larger than 8 megabytes.
- Decide which category to enter the photograph.
- Fill out the information below, copy and paste this information into your email to [email protected] in the subject of the email write “Photo Contest and Your Division”.
- If you are age 17 or younger your parent’s names and phone numbers must also be in the email with their consent noted by them in the email.
- Signature page scanned or photographed and submitted in the submission email.
ENTRY Form (To be copied and Pasted into your email):
Name (as you want it to appear on display) __________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
Age ______________ Phone_________________Email________________________________
Division _____________________ Category______________________________
Photo 1
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Photo 2
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Photo 3
Title of photograph_______________________________________________
Caption ( No More than 50 words) _______________________________________________
Camera Type (Smartphone is OK) _______________________________________________
Entry Certification (Scan or Photograph)
- By signing my name below, I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my ability.
- I certify that the photograph/s being submitted is the entrant’s own creation and not copied from any other source.
- I agree to abide by the guidelines of this contest and understand that all judgments are final and interpretation of the guidelines is at CLSPIA’s sole discretion.
Photographer’s Signature Date Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date
Photo Contest Entries